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Josephine Skriver, Kate Bock and Brooks Nader prove their cover model status as they step out at Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue launch party Kim Kardashian flaunts her curves in a VERY busty grey crop top and leggings as she joins her family for a meal ahead of sister Kourtney's 'wedding'ĭJ Fat Tony reveals that he'd have to give best pal Kate Moss 'a little kick' to check she was alright when asleep in the club Sex and the City author Candace Bushnell, 63, is 'dating a 21-year-old model' Gogglebox's Pete Staniford breaks down in tears over emotional episode of The Repair Shop as he cries at the restoration of a Jewish prayer book Victoria Beckham shares unseen snaps of Brooklyn's wedding to Nicola Peltz as she parties with David alongside a host of famous pals

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ahead of 'fairytale' wedding to England star Harry Maguire Fern Hawkins enjoys a boozy boat trip as her hen do celebrations continue in Marbella.

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